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Recent Movie Reviews

217 Movie Reviews

To counter what a few of the other reviewers said, most of the shots of the RV really impressed me. You really get a sense that it's moving super fast, and given the scale that's hard to pull off. Nice job!

WheelieYellow responds:

Thank you! Without the van I wouldn't have much to say!

lol what the hell is this

This is SO COOL! It feels like the introduction to a movie that I would really enjoy. Nice job!

fileto responds:

i hoped to make it bit longer but time ran out.. thanks for watching!

Recent Game Reviews

211 Game Reviews

It's incredibly brave of you to make a flight game with only one button input, but I think you did quite well given the limitation. Maybe a (very short!) tutorial at the start would help get over the initial frustration that all your plane does at the beginning is fly around in stupid circles. I have to admit I almost quit because I thought the game was broken, although I figured it out pretty quickly.

Nice game!

RowanFuture responds:

that is very fair honestly, I probably should add a tutorial that makes the controls clear

This clicker is not fun at all, has almost no interactivity, the music is annoying, and it takes way too long to progress. There's no endgame other than to collect the medals. I thought there could be an endgame, and because there isn't it feels like my time was completely wasted. I did not enjoy playing this. Can't imagine how long it would take without an autoclicker.

This is a really fun game, but the Biblically Accurate card is way too difficult to find. I remember having that issue last year, too. Still, the game is designed well, and I love the art on the cards.

Recent Audio Reviews

7 Audio Reviews

Fun song. The guitar solo sounds like you just randomly placed notes in Fruity Loops but somehow it works.

Great job.

Lovely beat. Fun fact, this was the first thing I ever watched on Newgrounds. I was looking for Teletubby games for my little brother and found Teletubby Fun Land. Thanks for the memories, Tom!

1/2 star off because it doesn't loop perfectly. I hope you'll understand. :P

I love this genre and I love this song.

emilyomily responds:

Thanks! :)

Recent Art Reviews

2 Art Reviews

Man, this is so cool. It gave me a super deep emotion and reminded me of my childhood when people used to crowd around you at arcades if you were really good at a game. Awesome work.


They came for the dinosaurs, and I did not speak out, because I was not a dinosaur. They came for the giant robots, and I did not speak out, because I was not a giant robot. Then they came for the nerds. And I was screwed.

Age 35, he/him

Nerd Final Boss

University of Texas

Space Mountain

Joined on 8/28/03

Exp Points:
72,366 / 100,000
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10.05 votes
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Sup. Commander
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B/P Bonus:
8y 9m 3d